Dadaroma – 月のうた (Tsuki no Uta) Translation

(I know it’s not the video of the song, but I prefer using videos uploaded by official channels instead of those uploaded by random people: it’s a form of respect towards the work of the artists and maybe a way to encourage people to buy the original albums instead of illegally downloading them.)



Title: Song of the Moon


Are you too looking up

to the night sky framed by the window?


Connect the stars with a line and trace the drawing with the fingers.

“It is said that they can take you to an invisible starry sky.”


My voice screaming from here

will become the moon lighting your night.


Your smiling face, which looks sadder than a crying face,

hides the traces of your tears in your eyelids,

and if you paid attention to the night of a solitary person, we would bump into each other.

“I fell into the night and I could hear the sound of your tears.”


Because your voice screaming from over there

will become the moon lighting my night.

Because the sound of all the tears you cried

will become the reason of my singing.


Because our voices screaming from here

will become the moon lighting our night.

Because the sound of the tears fallen in the night sky

will become the moon lighting our night.


Notes and Other

A really straightforward song, it looks like a song to thank the fans. A really touching song which, thanks to its simplicity, stands out between the other songs of the album.


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