Secondwall – 言葉 (Kotoba) Translation

Kanji: taken from the video



Title: Words


It’s easy to love,

I already got used to being hated.


I said I love you but

if I can’t convey such meaning it’s no use.


“Every end it’s the beginning of something”,

I guess you understand there’s no such an easy thing.


It’s not like “if you say it by words it will reach to you”,

“If keep believing you’ll be saved”,

if it is really so, why am I crying?

There’s no way I can erase that foolish moment,

while crying, you’re so dear* to the point that I can almost laugh

and I love you.


The phrase “you are beautiful”

seemed distorted to me.

Something that will wear off

and restlessly gets weaker and weaker,

Love is also this.


It’s not like something that won’t vanish no matter how many time goes by,

I love you by doing everything I can**

and today too I’m crying.

The warmth you left behind won’t go away.

Just a bit, a bit more,

I want to love you.

I want to love.


There were the different vision of love,

mine and yours,

and there were things we couldn’t let go off,

to me and to you,

I won’t forget, I want to forget

the memories passing by***

but there also the future path

of me, of you.


It’s not like “if you say it by words it will reach to you”,

“If keep believing you’ll be saved”,

if it is really so, why am I crying?

The true “Love”,

time will gently turn it into a lie,

even so we


praise love,

we get fascinated by each others and pass each others by,

but even so

I want to love.


Notes and Other

*=the word here has also the nuance of something that is dear and painful at the same time (similar to the feeling of longing for something).

**=it can be translated as “using all the tricks in the book” but the word itself is written using the kanji of “betraying”, “deceive”.

***= nice play on the word which can mean both “passing by without noticing” but also “not coincide”


I loved their latest album so I waited for some new release by them so that also you could enjoy.


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