YOASOBI – IDOL Translation+Video Explanation

In the video, in depth analysis of the lyrics and insight on the meaning and the song: audio & video quality are still a work in progress

Original song here


Stirring up the media with your unrivaled smile,

Everyone wishes to know your secrets, so mysterious!

Looking like you don’t care, that’s your strong point

You, so perfect and a liar

Are a genius Idol


What did you eat today?

What’s your favorite book?

Where do you go in your free time?

I don’t eat at all

That’s a secret

Even when asked that

I just give vague answers

Yes, so vague,

Yet so brilliant

The secret that you try to see through has the taste of honey

Nonono, it’s not like that

Nonono, it’s not like this

What’s your type?

Do you have a partner?

Come on, tell us

“I don’t even know if I like someone”

I don’t know what’s real and what’s a lie

These words make me sink into loneliness

But I make you like me even more

Stealing everyone’s attention

You are the perfect ultimate idol

Never showing your true self

The reincarnation of the brightest star

With your smile and your “I love you”

You make everyone fall on their knee

Your eyes and your words

They might be a lie, but they are the perfect love

Yeah yeah, that girl is a case on its own

We cannot even compare from the start

I am just a lowly sidekick to the star

But that’s not thanks to her anyway

Who does she think she is

It’s not like I’m jealous anyway

It’s not even a joke

So I won’t be easy on you

I won’t forgive you when are you are anything but perfect

And I won’t forgive myself

I’ll never acknowledge anyone stronger than you

Everyone has faith in you and worships you

Yes, you truly are the perfect ultimate idol

You have no weak spot

Truly the spirit of the brightest star lives in you

You shouldn’t show your weak point

Don’t show us what we don’t want to know

We won’t like you if you are not the one and only

Yes, this is true love

Firing up the media with a perfect smile

The only secret that I should always conceal

Is that to lie and say I love you it’s the carrier I am pursuing

This is exactly what I call love

My dripping sweat is a beautiful essence

My eyelids conceal rubies

Singing and dancing, I’m just like Mary

Yes, lies are the pinnacle of love

I’ve never been loved

And never loved anyone

Yet, this lie of me, one day

I believe it’ll come true

One day I’ll have everything,

Yes, I’m such a greedy idol

Without filter, all of you,

I want to love you

So, today too, I’ll tell my lies

So wish for the day in which my words will come true

Yet again

I couldn’t tell this to you and you

Ah, I finally said it

This is definitely not a lie

I love you

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