Reign – Singing in the Reign Translation





This already peeling off pretence of mine, I’ve already given it to you.

I’ve gotten bored of struggling, but still I’m here struggling.


My blood boils with vexation.

I’ll absolutely not forget.

My blood boils with vexation.

I’ll absolutely not forget.


The people who gave us light have demonstrated that there’s no such thing as impossible,

that reality is unreality,

that there are still thing I wish for everywhere.


My blood boils with vexation.

I’ll absolutely not forget.

My blood boils with vexation.

I’ll absolutely not forget.


To this weakling who despises me, I tell my opinion: “Crawl back from where you came!”.

If you were the “rulers”, you’ll just be waiting and cleaning your neck*.

And after I realized that, I thought that would be ok if I clang onto this temporary fame**,

To those “ruler” who are just to be stepped on, that time, I asked

“Who the hell are you?”


This already peeling off pretence of mine, I’ve already given it to you.

I’ve gotten bored of struggling, but still I’m here struggling.


My blood boils with vexation.

I’ll absolutely not forget.

My blood boils with vexation.

I’ll absolutely not forget.


To this weakling who despises me, I tell my opinion: “Crawl back from where you came!”.

If you were the “rulers”, you’ll just be waiting and cleaning your neck*.

And after I realized that, I thought that would be ok if I clang onto this temporary fame**,

To those “ruler” who are just to be stepped on, that time, I asked

“Who the hell are you?”


Notes and Other

Words in Italic are in English in the original lyrics.

*=I think it may be a way to say that they are just to be waiting to be fired, to be get rid of.

**=it’s a very vague word which may mean also “name, reputation, title” and such.

Interesting song about the what it’s reason why the members do play in this band. The pun is priceless. The main members (especially the singer) come from previous experiences in other visual bands, but they returned with an old style as if they felt that their message needed to be told again even now.


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